Printed matter for Museion, 2023
MUSEION | Museum of modern and contemporary art.
Museion identity and exhibition identity design:
Studio Mut, Thomas Kronbichler, Martin Kerschbaumer, Anni Seligmann
Printed matter for three different exhibition at Museion.
All the covers are designed by manipulating basic information and identity elements of the exhibitions, expanding the frame of the booklet. They provide an item meant to be first seen and then explored.
Fig. 1
Some spreads from the booklet of Shimabuku - Me, We. The booklet itself plays with symmetry and its opposite.
Fig. 2
The diverse identities of the exhibitions are kept together by the fluid, expanded design of the covers.
Fig. 3
The cover of HOPE and Kingdom of the Ill booklets, both part of the program TECHNO HUMANITIES (2021 – 2023).
Fig. 4
Some spreads from the booklet of HOPE
More Editorial, Graphic Design, Installation, Development, Exhibition Design and Motion projects.